Formulation and evaluation of the antifungal activity of Neem seed oil ointment against Tinea capitis.
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Background: The plant Azadirachta indica (Meliaceae) , a tree widely grown in Nigeria has been reported variously to have medicinal properties. The development of appropriate dosage formulation of useful therapeutic value has been a challenge.
Objective: The present study therefore seeks to evaluate oil from Neem seed both in extract form and in ointment formulation against fungal organisms.
Method: The oil was extracted from dried seed kernel with n-Hexane, Ethanol and Chloroform respectively at seed weight to solvent ratio 1:10. The extract was evaluated as antifungal using Tricophyton violaceum and Epidermophyton floccosum as test organisms. The extract with highest antifungal activity was invariably formulated into ointment at concentrations 0%w/w, 2.5%w/w,5%w/w, 7.5%w/w & 10%w/w respectively using hydrocarbon ointment base .The ointment was evaluated for physical characteristics and tested against Tricophyton violaceum and Epidermophyton floccosum using Whitfield ointment as reference.
Result: The result showed that n-Hexane out of solvents for extraction gave the highest Neem seed oil yield (25.0%w/w) and zones of inhibition 2.1cm and 1.7cm against Tricophyton violaceum and Epidermophyton floccosum respectively. Ointment formulations gave favourable physical characteristics and had higher zones of inhibition at 7.5% w/w, 10.0% w/w against Tricophyton violaceum and at 5.0% w/w, 7.5% w/w, 10.0% w/w against Epidermophyton floccosum (p<0.05) than the reference standard (Whitfield's Ointment)
Conclusion: Neem seed oil ointment could be used in Tinea capitis infection
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