Optimizing technologies for pharmaceutical manufacturing in Nigeria post covid-19
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Background: The covid-19 pandemic has catalyzed numerous changes accelerating digital health transformation. Industry 4.0 is a concept that represents the adoption of techniques and processes allowed by industrial digitization.
Objective: This study evaluated the impact of covid-19 on Pharmaceutical Industries in Nigeria. It also assesses the awareness and adoption of emerging technologies by Pharmaceutical industries in Nigeria post-covid-19.
Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among Pharmaceutical manufacturing Industries in Nigeria using structured electronic questionnaires for data collection using Google Form software. Data obtained were examined and analyzed by SPSS version 22. Analysis was done using descriptive statistics and results were presented in tables and figures. Chi-square analysis was used to determine the association between variables.
Results: The results show that covid-19 impacted the Nigerian Pharmaceutical Industry in some areas, especially in sourcing and distributing materials. Only 50% indicated any knowledge of 4.0. Their knowledge was related to the size of the companies (p = 0.001). Internet of Things (IoT) and mobile technologies are the most used and were also believed to be the most relevant while Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and advanced robotics are the least used. The adopted technologies by companies were not associated with the size of the companies (p > 0.05). Lack of experts for training and lack of finance were identified as barriers to technology optimization.
Conclusion: This research provides relevant information concerning the state of awareness, adoption, or preparedness for the adoption of digital technologies among Nigerian Pharmaceutical manufacturers. A lot needs to be done to enable the adoption of Industry 4.0.
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